Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Deepest Fear...Fear

"What is your deepest fear?" "Spiders, death, fire, drowning...etc." My answer: Fear. I find that one emotion or feeling that dictates much of my thinking is "Fear." The fear of disappointing others, the fear of hurting others, the fear of failing, the fear of being hurt. It's fear that influences my decisions. I tend to try to travel the easier road, just because it's safe, and I have no fear in traveling down that road. However, the harder/trying road I know would make me a better person...and all the complications I will face will make me stronger if I triumph. Until recently, I haven't really noticed how much fear controls my thoughts. I thought about a career change/change in majors simply because I'm fearful of what happens next. To flee always seems to be the "easy way out," but who am I if I continuously flee everything that I see as challenging, hard, or scary? I'd be weak. I don't want to walk away from this experience as weak. I want to walk out of this experience as stronger, wiser, and better...even if that means coming out of this with battle scars. Because let us remember, "Mistakes are just lessons we haven't learned yet." I'm sure there are many lessons that I have not learned yet, and many mistakes await me. But that's the challenge that I'm willing to take, whether confidently or even...fearfully.