Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Stuff Coming Up that I am Thoroughly Excited About!

Ok, I guess I could've thought of this one last night, instead of posting the useless not fun at all Snippets haha. Oh well.

1) UFC 105 is coming up this Saturday! Which means.....Family Fight Night! So yes, I am excited. That also means I get to see my Sister, which also means we get to eat food :) And ooo I should've asked her to make those BOMB Taquitos she made. Note to self!

2) The PFX tour is also this weekend. Yes, I am excited about this, and I'm sure many little Softballers are as well. A place where the Amateur's meet the Pro's...ah isn't it lovely? Especially since I don't even play Softball haha. I mostly go for the Pro Game and basking in the environment, as well as meeting some pro's. Last Year's PFX Tour was amazing.

3) Lack of school. So with Veteran's day comes no school on Wednesday which means no lab on Thursdays which in turn leads to three whole days of no school (today was another day of no school) Now the part I need to work on...taking advantage of these days and study!! Yuck!

4) Christmas is coming up, and that's the best time of the year...it means I get to spend too much money on those I care about. Ah it's lovely. Now my sister had asked for a LV bag, unfortunately I do not have 1000 + dollars, or else I would have. Oh well.

5) It's basketball season. That is all.

6) Turkey Day. How can I not put Turkey Day on this list?! It's great! It's by far my favorite holiday for the simple fact of...I get to eat...and eat....oh did I mention....eat. haha. Yes I love Thanksgiving food. It's just as good as our New Year's Japanese Feast we have. Oh loverly!!

7) Gabe Bondoc on December 18th. How can I not be excited about this?!

I think that's all for now. I know if may not be exciting for you, but for me...it's definitely exciting for me! Muahahah!

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