Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dead Days and Goldfish!

Today is the beginning of loverly Dead Days. If you're not familiar of it, it's basically two days (Thursday and Friday) during the week before finals where we have no school. Dead Days are supposed to be used so that you have two full days of studying for finals. I spent it...studying for an hour, and now eating goldfish crackers...they are the wholesome snack that smiles back!!

I may go to a movie tonight, and maybe shop with the sister tomorrow. Yes I am utilizing my Dead Days to the fullest! Ok, seriously I will study!!! I have three finals next week. Two on Monday and an enormi one on Wednesday. It is absolutely fantastic that my Physiology final is comprehensive!!! I hope you took note in the sarcasm! I am not excited at all about it, but looking back at my notes it's all coming back to me. Wonderful!!

This Saturday is supposed to be a meteor shower...I believe the Germinids. Or something like that. I was hoping to bonfire it this time, but the forecast predicts RAIN! What the heck! So hopefully one of these days a bonfire on the beach will happen and it will be great! We will see!

As for Winter Break coming up, I can't tell you how excited I am!!! Hopefully it will be spent drawing, doing some interning, and resting up. I am thoroughly excited! I'm also that maybe..just maybe!!! My mom and I will make a trip down to Chula Vista to tour the Olympic Training Center. How cool would that be?! Of course I think it's cool, cause why not?! Definitely hoping that will happen. Such a shame Chula Vista is sooooo far south from where we are. Can you say...EXTREME Road Trip?! But hey...what's traveling down to Chula Vista when compared to traveling to Las Cruces New Mexico?! It's a piece of pie!!!

I hope everyone is in good spirits this holiday season! I am trying to be. I do need to get some Christmas cards!!! lol. Boy o boy...I still have one more person to finish up on Christmas shopping...but I am done with most. to the races!!

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