Sunday, May 23, 2010

Life's Unexpectancies and Expectancies

So today it kind of hit me, of how fast life goes. I know, I'm only 22 going on 23 soon, and I feel like life has just blown by! In two years, I'll be graduating and hopefully going somewhere for Grad School. Then 2-3 more years and i'm out in the world as a big kid! So what will change? I have no idea! A lot of my friends are so willing to simply up and leave for some big city. But me...i'm a little more timid towards that. Maybe that's just who I am. I want to go on and explore and move somewhere that's not here. But at the same time, I don't want to be far from my family because i'm so close to them. It's funny how things work! And how fast they do! I suppose that time will tell. I just have to remember and keep an open mind to everything. Try not to be afraid of new experiences, because I am only given one life, and I do truly want to make it the best it can possibly be! Is it weird that i'm listening to Pandora and then Kelly Clarkson's song "Breakaway" comes on haha. Maybe this is a sign that i'll be just fine :) I sure hope so! It's what to be grow up and experience things. I guess I do love being a "kid."

As of late, I do in fact enjoy life's unexpecatancies as well. :D Just thought I'd write this little shibby of a post to get it off my mind!

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