Friday, December 23, 2011

Where does the time go?

WOW! It is already almost Christmas...and I have been so busy since summer has ended! Let's do a quick catch-up...I was assigned my sport assignments...and at first I wasn't happy about it, but now that my first semester with my first team is ending, I wish I could do it all over again..just because it was amazing! This just goes to show...that sometimes, life has other plans for you and if you just go along with it, you just might surprise yourself, and find you love it!!

My first semester as a senior student has ended. My next...and FINAL one arrives in January! I can't believe how time flies! Up next...figuring out what's next up in my future! Which could hopefully mean, GA-ship or Internship! I am open to both...but finding a Grad school is on top of the list.

Aside from school stuff, not much has changed. I am still the same me trying to improve myself one day at a time. I'm still a gullible hope-Ful! romantic. Trying to face all my fears head on so that I may grow!

Christmas is fast approaching and my o my, how it actually doesn't feel like it at all. There seems to be a lack of Christmas spirit going on. Probably because my Christmas this year will be missing one special person. My Grandma. She passed away in September, and ever since then...things (especially holidays) feel quite empty. I miss her every day...and yes I wish I visited her more. Things are definitely not the same knowing that she's not coming over to spend Christmas or New Year's with us. She wasn't here on Thanksgiving sneaking my dogs scraps of food. And she wasn't sitting on our couch dozing off. I miss her most and every day!

I wish I had more fun things to share, and I'm trying to catch up on at least five months or so. It's kind of hard. I'll try better next time! For now, I'm cutting this one short..and maybe later on tonight I will think of something better to write!

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