Saturday, February 26, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

Decisions, decisions...I find that I have the hardest time making them when they're not just clean cut and simple. There's one decision that I feel is super important and I'll probably need to make up my mind about it in a couple weeks.

In the beginning the answer was so clear to me. What my decision would be. And now as time goes on and little things change, my mind becomes convoluted with self-doubt, fear, and confusion. I've asked all everyone I could think of about it, but I believe I'm asking the wrong people. Who should I work with? What sport should I work with? Will I even get the sports I want? Am I even good enough to work with this sport? All these questions and I have no clear cut answer to them. It mostly stems from my lack of confidence. The I don't knows, the maybes, the what ifs. All these questions that transpire from other questions. All I need is one good answer.

I've been trying to figure out this decision for almost a month now, but never has it weighed heavier in my mind than now. To experience different things at a different setting. Knowing that within my profession, you need to be comfortable being uncomfortable, but at the same time...I'd like to be somewhere that I can at least enjoy being uncomfortable! Where the positives outweighs that uncomfort so much so that it becomes a minute problem. It's like a burden has decided to make it's home on my shoulders, and just continue to grow. People outside of this program may not understand it, people may not understand why it weighs so heavy...but I do. Quite's winning.

I sometimes wish it was already made for me. So time will tell. A day will come where I write down six sports/venues/ACI's and I'll have to wait to see which I get. All I need to figure out now is what to write.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Post with Topics that Don't Go Hand in Hand

People may be Strange...even Weird, but who wants to be normal? Seriously, what is the standard to be considered, "Normal?" I find that I've been called "Weird" so many times...and I take it as a good thing. I'm not that over the top type of weird, but I supposed I don't fall under, "Normal." Weirdness to me is like being unique. If someone calls you weird, take it as a compliment. It only means that that person sees something in you that they don't see in everyone else. I've come to realize, as of late, if I get along with these "weird" people, then ya...I am unique :)

Ladies and Gents...I have some definition in my calves, lost some chubs in my face, and my two pack is more pronounced! Does Insanity workout work? I would say so. BUT I still have shin splints which sucks. So I take extra rest days. (FYI: If you too may be experiencing shin splints, try stretching out your calf muscles...I have a tight Soleus muscle, so I'm guessing it's a factor in these shin splints.) that happy fuzzy everything is pink, red, and white with hearts and flowers day is coming up. And I'm not going to waste my time saying how I don't have a Valentine and I think in my life have only truly had one...I'm going to write about those cute little Valentine's Day cards we used to give out to our classmates. This just reaffirms how much of a dreamer, wisher, and in some ways, gullable person I am/was. I was always that girl, that when she got a Valentine's Day card in her box or on her desk from someone she liked and it said something like, "I Dig You." I completely believed it. As I remembered this little story, I realize how much I have NOT changed. No, I don't get little cutesy cards from people anymore, but I am seemingly still THAT gullible to think, that the nicest/smallest gestures mean something. I guess I should've learned my lesson when I realized that the boy that gave me that card...didn't Dig me at all.

But nonetheless, I am still a dreamer/wisher, and although there are a couple people I think that I would give that "I Dig You" card to, I shall stick to my most faithful Valentine's...Ben and Jerry! O wait, I'm lactose intolerant, so there goes that idea!! hahaha...horrible joke no? But seriously, I wish you all a great and wonderful Valentine's Day.